NeuriteQuant is a novel
software tool for fully automated morphological analysis of large-scale
image data from neuronal
cultures. Please refer to the tutorials and documentation for
detailed instructions, how to use NeuriteQuant. An example results
database is provided to demonstrate analysis of drug induced changes
in axons and dendrites of primary hippocampal neurons using NeuriteQuant.
References are included to provide further examples and
in-depth scientific discussion of the NeuriteQuant analysis toolkit
and results obtained by its application.

fully automated analysis of large data sets
- extraction of morphological parameters describing neurite outgrowth
and branching
- generation of web-based data/image browser for easy screen review
- choice of interactive or manual analysis parameter determination
- freely available as open source
Getting Started:
- Check out the Example Databrowser
the Resources tab to examine if NeuriteQuant might suit your needs.
- Follow Tutorial 1 for a quick
start into NeuriteQuant including
installation and running morphological analysis on a test set.
- Follow Tutorials 2 and/or Tutorial 3 to learn how to adjust
NeuriteQuant's analysis
- Read the documentation to learn about
more detailed setting
- Examine the NeuriteQuant script
(NeuriteQuant_analysis.txt in the
plugins/NeuriteQuant folder) to get basic information how to
adjust/modify/extend NeuriteQuant for your specific needs.
1. Dehmelt L., Poplawski G., Hwang E., Cho C., and Halpain S. NeuriteQuant: An Open Source Toolkit for High Content Screens of Neuronal Morphogenesis. submitted