Heatmap representation of the screen plate. Access additional heatmaps through the NEXT/BACK links at the bottom of the page. Three measurements from the NeuriteQuant analysis are represented by the three principal colors red, green and blue. Each position of the screen plate is shown as a cluster of colored spots representing the individual images analyzed per position. The raw image data and the image processing reports are immediately accessible by clicking on any cluster in the heatmap representation. This particular heatmap uses the following color coding:
red: neurites per cell MAP2
green: branches per neuritelength MAP2
blue: mean intensity MAP2
This map indicates experimental manipulations, which lead to increased neurite numbers per neuritelength (i.e. increased neurite branch density, shown in green). Note that nocodazole and actinomycin D lead to excessive toxicity at highest concentrations and artifactual measurements of the few remaining cell debris (leftmost columns in rows 6,7,8 and 9). However, at intermediate concentrations of these drugs, increased branch density is clearly seen in the raw data, which is accompanied with a shift towards green color in the heatmap representation. Click NEXT to review other aspects of this morphometric analysis.